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What is Stress Control?

Developed by consultant clinical psychologist and Fellow of the British Psychological Society Dr Jim White, Stress Control at Home is a 12 session online course that combines cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), positive psychology and wellbeing.

You'll learn the skills you need to get on top of your stress and boost your wellbeing by becoming your own therapist, from your own home, at your own pace.

About Us

"What a wonderful class this has been. I know there are no miracle cures, but I now feel I know what my stress is all about and I know the way forward. For the first time in many years, I see some light at the end of the tunnel. "

Course participant, Ireland

"I can’t thank you enough for sharing your course - it’s the best resource I’ve found in 20 years in GP and has done me a world of good! "

General Practitioner, Belfast

"A Godsend. Thank you so much. I have felt more despair in recent months than I like to admit. Yet Dr White’s whole approach was so logical, sensible and straightforward and at the same time, so pleasant and empathic. "

Course participant, Co. Meath

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Our Approach

The problem with stress is that once it gets a grip, it tends to keep a grip, making us feel demoralised and easily overwhelmed by things we wouldn’t have thought twice about in the past. And it's easy to quickly feel like we have the weight of the world on our shoulders.

Stress Control will help you to understand exactly what you’re up against, and teach you some great ways to overcome these problems. There are no easy solutions or magic cures but with hard work on your part, aided by all the materials you’ll receive as part of your membership you can look forward to a brighter future.  

Our online course is easily accessed from the comfort of your own home, it is completely confidential and there is no discussion of personal problems.

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